
Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Mixed Signals From Ed Kennedy

I'm going to rely heavily on folklore and anecdote in this diary. So, take it with a grain of salt. That said, I think it  warrants a cup of coffee's worth of musing.

Lowell is in the process of selecting its next City Manager. With the way the 'Council Camps' are shaping up, Councilor Kennedy looks to be 'Johnny on the spot.' A role, I'd venture to say, he must bask in with glee.

I don't know what to make of Ed Kennedy. I've scoffed him, using the name "Councilor Ditto" because Kennedy reliably facilitates Elliott's brinkmanship & campaigning on the floor. That aside, Kennedy is a very savvy and cunning pol. There is no moss growing on Kennedy. He thrusts and parries with the best of them.

On WCAP, Bernie Lynch described a stark difference (2:10) between the pragmatic work habits of Kennedy and the testy shiv we see in public session. That's a mixed signal. No?

Then, we have the legend that Kennedy refused to cast a vote for Joe Tully, as Lowell City Manager, waaaaay back in the day. This would, ultimately, based on Tully's convictions, paint Kennedy as a honest broker. An 'agent of reform.'

Taking this all in, with that grain of salt, what are we to make of Ed Kennedy? How will he use his vote to shape Lowell's future?

Let's consult the Magic 8-Ball.


JoeS said...

I think Rodney Elliott has let some bad experiences take over him, and he cannot emerge from that negativism. He apparently lost trust in Lynch along the way, and that leads him to question everything, whether the question makes sense or not. We'll have to see if now being mayor and with a new person coming in if that will change his attitude. For the good of the city, let's hope so.

Ed Kennedy has a different approach. He appears to be suspicious, but not lacking trust. That suspicion makes him question a lot, and therefore he aligns with Rodney Elliott who seems to question everything. But I am unaware that he is tied to any self-interest group, other than possibly UML via Marty Meehan. However, that is an allegiance that I think is good for the longterm interest of the city.

Jack Mitchell said...

One remark I heard, this past week, stuck out to me, when I heard it.
'Meehan would rather have a 'Murphy or Golden,' opposed to Donoghue, because he can control the two of them.'

I've heard a scant few, local Democratic operatives spit at Donoghue's name. Is that because she doesn't fall in line with machine Dem's interests?

I'd venture to say, some of the gross things we saw in the mail, in the primary, when Donoghue first ran, still lingers in hearts hiding behind smiling faces.

Mr. Lynne said...

I suspect Elliott's ideas about Lynch largely stem from Campanini. To the extent that an allegedly smart pol looks at Elliott's histrionics and plays along, he's culpable for the outcome - which in this case is a circus.

Capt.Paul said...

I like CC Kennedy . I don't know what camp he sits in and that for me is a good thing. He has been critical of the CM but his remarks are thoughtful and has compromise in them. I also enjoy his little jabs with a smile. CC Kennedy in my option is a very smart politician and if he wasn't on the City Council would have made a good candidate for City Manager.