
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Some of His Friends & ALL of His Enemies

Any popularly elected politician knows the mixed bag associated to providing an endorsement. And, believe you me, when the City Council votes; they will be providing a GRAND endorsement! In the realm of local politics, we have two elected politicians up for the City Manager position: State Rep. Kevin Murphy & former City Councilor George Ramirez.

Which of these guys has more enemies?

Maybe we should call the Councilors ourselves and express how we feel about these candidates. Some of you know these two guys very, VERY well. Yes, do call your favorite Councilors, as opposed to whispering your opinion to me.

If you do that, then the Councilors can pull out their political abacus, and do the math for themselves.

10 rows? Damn abacus is missing a Ward!

PS. You can scratch Corey Belanger of your calling list.

What's the date on this tweet? March 2013? Or, is it from 2011?

PSS. The Blog of Record is conducting a very unscientific survey. This must be skewed because we know there is less of a chance that Lowellians over 65 years of age (aka, "Rita's Seniors") use the intertubes.

Maybe, then, this poll may influence folks that look to the future? As opposed to those that are gazing "Back to the Future."

1 comment:

KMM said...

CC Belanger choice is not at all surprising since he heard the magic words, "I think we'll be cutting a ribbon at the judicial center some time in 2017".