
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Next City Manager & A Level Playing Field

Earlier today, I got fairly juiced up talking local politics & Lowell's future prospects. Surprised? Well, my friend Cliff Krieger called in to add some points on a lingering question about what it means when the call for a "Professional City Manager" erupts. (Edit: That show will repeat today at 4pm and this Sunday at 6am & 4pm, LTC - Ch. 8.)

After the call, Cliff wrote a diary on his blog, RIGHT-SIDE-OF-LOWELL (Link) Please go to Cliff's site, should you wish to chime in.

On City Life this morning, (Dave Leferriere and Jack Mitchell as co-host and guest) Host George Anthes tried to pin down what "Professional City Management" is and tried to force the dividing line as being whether the person is a politician or a lawyer, on the one hand, or someone with a degree in "city management" and experience in that area.
I believe George's characterization misses the point, at least as I understand it. I believe the concept turns on the question of "a fair shake". It is the difference in how you get City Services. Do you get them because of who you know, because of your political connections, because of your party affiliation, or do you get them because a clerk treats you just like every other member of the community, with courtesy and fairness.


What a Bernie Lynch brings to the job is an assumption that he will be a-political in his administration of the City. It may not be a fact, but it is an assumption. The flip side of this would be a belief that Rep Kevin Murphy would bring to the job a preference for the Highlands section of Lowell over the rest of the sections. I don't think that would be the case, but the "always lived in the Highlands" assertion came up on City Life this morning.

I can't, with a straight face, say that a 'political City Manager" would be the end of Lowell. I don't think the bike lanes will get peeled up. Neither, will the solar arrays be dismantled.

But, there are solid reasons to be concerned. Enough reasons to try our damnedest to avoid using a politician, especially a local politician, to be our next City Manager. For instance, the political instincts of a politician are to build JUST ENOUGH consensus to win an election. Out of 106,000 Lowellians, is it wise to pander to 8,000 strong city voters? Also, politicians are 'artful' in their use of 'sticks and carrots.' They reward cooperation and punish discord. Why would any city councilor want to return to 'kiss my ring' diplomacy with the corner office?

A political insider swore to me, no matter how confrontational a councilor would get with Bernie Lynch, any requests for action on a matter of the public's betterment was never snubbed or thwarted. I'm sure, if we were to do the forensics on certain outcomes, there could be enough to build a case to the contrary. Hindsight is 20/20. But, as it is, 'hindsight' can be cherry picked to construct a scene that fits an agenda.

I've said before, and I'll say it again: In regards to selecting Lowell's next City Manager, at least 5 City Councilors will worry more, if the pick is a friend to THEM. Rather than, a friend to Lowell.

That is a slanted approach to governance. Avoiding THAT is much more important than preserving bike lanes.

1 comment:

  1. Rep Murphy doesn't even meet the minimum requirements of the city manager position, so how can he even be considered?
