
Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Heavy Lies The Crown .... Sorta Thing."

So many pro's & con's associated to Kevin Murphy becoming Lowell's next City Manager have been stirring in my head. I hear those that portend a reversal of many steps forward in good governance. Others, are more optimistic, citing Murphy's sense of stewardship, efficacy and a mindfulness of his public service legacy.

As my mind works in an algorithmic trading of iconic metaphors, my imagination conjured this:


In a recent conversation with a more optimistic friend, I was petitioned to 'give Kevin a chance.' That I should take care not to prognosticate with too much detail, what I may see as milestones of trouble.

I stated that, when a drunk driver is pulled over, the police officer witnesses the vehicle violating traffic laws, e.g swerving across marked lanes. If a driver stays within those lines, the officer lacks probable cause. No stop can be rightfully made. Further, I noted, the cop does not create the road markings on the fly, as the suspect proceeds forward in their vehicle. The lanes are marked well in advance, for all to see and obey.

How do we mark the lanes for our next City Manager?

I'm not completely comfortable allowing Kevin Murphy the latitude to stay within the demarcations set by his personal sense of judgement and ethics. But, at the same time, I have no appetite to box him in so tightly that he can not run Lowell with pragmatism.

In theory, the City Council, per Lowell's Plan E Charter; and "The Press," as stipulated in the US Constitution, would provide oversight of our municipality's executive leadership. Unfortunately, those institutions are flawed and flailing. Thus, it will fall to Lowell's activists and coterie to be vigilant, attempting to reinforce best practices.

For sure, Kevin Murphy is fully cognizant of the 'sorta thing' he has in front of him.

Are we?

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