
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hands Down, Best Interview - Murphy

Every fiber of my sense of reform, illustrated by the scoffing and taunting jotted out in multiple diaries, down blog; is convulsing while coming to grips with the reality that Kevin Murphy crushed that interview. Several things alarmed me. I'll bullet those out, below. Overall, he hit every note on most every level.

In my heart, I want so badly to break the crooked ring of our House delegation. I watched them pummel Bernie Lynch, using The Sun and other shit heel surrogates. But, let me tell you, "Mary," Lowell don't play beanbag. As such, I can't imagine how Kevin Murphy is not our next City Manager.

I am this close to endorsing Kevin Murphy, based on tonight. This makes me sick. I don't know if my queasy gut is coming from a jaded fatalism or from a bruised, yet lingering, hope that we can hold Kevin Murphy, true to his word

Even accounting for softball questions, from Elliott and Belanger, especially, his command and composure was head and shoulders, above the others. On a soldier level, based on the options, I would want this guy to be my First Sergeant. Admittedly, it was a weak field because of the cloud that hangs over Lowell. A cloud constructed, I think, by the City Council and the delegation. I'm convinced that Kevin Murphy actively sabotaged Bernie Lynch's political stability and that his peers aided and abetted.

As such, questions of character swirl with the anecdotes that have poisoned Murphy to me, from Day 1. (Murphy admitted to being ill tempered in the interview) Yet, even so, I know that THIS is what Lowell wants. Like they want Rita Mercier and Rodney Elliott. I can't wish that away. All I can do is dog them. I hope you will help me.

- Murphy endorsed performance based budgeting.
- He recognized the need for economic development in the pockets outside of the downtown, e.g. Cupples Square & the Bridge St corridor.
- The necessity of ethnic inclusion in boards and commissions. These entities are Lowell's political farm team. It will be easy to spot him stacking the deck with his pals. Remember, almost immediately, the next CM will appoint to the LHA. Does MacMahon have it locked? (Link)
- He referenced professional organizations, like the MMA, when searching for a CFO & Director of DPD.
- But, it was the accumulation of little details that seemed to come from my own thoughts.

- Lord, how he fluffed his delegation peers. Having listened to Lynch being ragged on over excluding the delegation, Murphy over compensated to proclaim their inclusion, should he get the nod. This reinforced my belief that Murphy drove the narrative that Campi parroted, so vacuously.
- Parking is an enterprise fund separate from general fund. So, the budget is not based on parking fund increases. He seems to be unaware of that.
- He invited the Council into too much operational influence, via constant communication. If any City Manager prepares a weekly summary for the Council, THAT should be a public document! (Excluding legal issues and personnel matters.)
- And it was a bunch of malarkey about the money for the 5 cops. Lynch new about that before he left, emailing the Council with details and suggestions on how to make it all work out. I'm thinking that email made it to Murphy. mayor Elliott?

For the cynics, that think this diary is my reading the tea leaves, thinking such words would put me in good graces? You're a frickin' nitwit. Go back and read what I wrote. Hardly a love letter.

I hope it is a call to arms, enlisting advocates to smother our next administration with scrutiny. Regardless of who is selected as City Manager. But, especially if it is Kevin Murphy.

1 comment:

JudithD said...

A good interview does not a good manager make. Of course it was a good interview! He was among friends, he knows Lowell, he's a politician for gawds sake. And as such, he had a lot of answers that aim to please everyone, which simply cannot be done.